In year 8+? Join us Now
The Air Cadets offers a wide and varied range of activities and opportunities including flying, gliding, shooting, adventure training, the Duke of Edinburgh's award scheme, BTEC, NVQ, fieldcraft, leadership, sport, visits to RAF stations and drill. From the age of 16 cadets can learn to fly solo in a glider or complete a parachute course.

Cadets do not need to take part in all of these activities, but they will be on offer, as well as many other exciting opportunities. Some cadets focus on adventure training or sport, whereas others prefer flying or fieldcraft.

The training and opportunities provided at each unit will vary slightly, but will all be governed by the same set of training principles and standards. Cadets can start from the age of 12 (as long as they are in year 8) and stay until at least their 18th birthday. Maidenhead squadron holds two intake evenings each year, the next opportunity for potential cadets and their parents to join us and find out more will be in January or September. More details can be found on the "Join us" page using the link above. Also check our Community support link to the left.

See Join us page for details

These are a selection of photos of cadets from the Squadron and Thames Valley Wing taking part in various activities over the past few years.

Find out more about ATC activities by looking through the tabs on our website.

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